The Power of Streaming: Tracy Anderson Live Streaming 101
It all started out with me being a bit curious. I kept asking myself: What is this Tracy Anderson Method that I keep hearing about?
I figured I would check it out, so I purchased Metamorphosis on DVD. The method was unlike any exercise I had ever done — and I was immediately hooked.
With the dance cardio and the so-called “crazy arms” movements (this literally attaches your skin back to the muscle and vaporizes any wiggly-jiggly nonsense under our arms!), I was instantly impressed. Muscles that I didn’t even know I had were sore and the results I was seeing were absolutely incredible. Results I had been trying to attain but couldn’t quiet get from different workouts such as pilates, spin, and running were finally coming to fruition. I was seeing longer, leaner, and tighter muscle and felt stronger than ever. My skin tone was practically glowing — seriously!
The movements are so calculating and have years of research behind them. You may think that they are random, but Tracy’s method is pure genius and has the science to back it up.
When I became pregnant with my first son, I switched to the Pregnancy set, which includes a DVD for each month that you are pregnant. After giving birth, I moved to the Post-Pregnancy set. This is what sealed the deal for me. Moms — you know that excess tummy skin is extremely difficult to lose. The Post-Pregnancy set, along with healthy and clean eating had an unbelievable effect for my post-baby body results. This is when I knew that I had to sign up for Tracy's online streaming classes.
Streaming allows you to be a part of Tracy’s master class from the comfort of your home. Each week, she hosts a real-time livestream of one of her workout sessions on
You can access these workouts from any mobile device — iPad, iPhone, Android, computer, or even stream it onto your TV. I've made good use of this in my kitchen, living room, guest room, while on vacation, and even on my back patio!
One of the biggest benefits of streaming — and what was so important to me was when I had my son — is that it allows you to work out on your own schedule. With a new baby at home, it became really difficult to base my workout schedule around others. With streaming, I'm able to workout when it is most convenient for me. Sometimes I even have my son on his jungle gym on the floor by me as I work out!
Every week, along with the master class, is a new weekly dance cardio exercise. Don't be intimidated by this!
It is tons of fun and is an insanely good workout. I used to run, which always made me feel achy and sore. Dance has given me so much energy without hurting my body.
What I love the most about Tracy's method is that it never tries to conform your body to a certain mold of what she thinks you should be. The method's goal is to give you the absolute best physical version of yourself — not of anybody else. We are all unique and this method celebrates that.
It's super easy to sign up. Just click here, choose the package you like, and press play!
That’s it!
Find your inner athlete and channel that force into your workout and daily life. Dig deep and persevere. Take that pitstop when you need it and get right back in the game as a team player. These are just a few of the powerful themes of Tracy’s Vitality Week lectures.
Here's how the methods journey works:
In the beginning you may feel lost or like you don’t know the moves or rhythm, but soon it clicks and you just get it. For example, her moves are based on 4 or 8 count segments — she doesn’t speak, but research shows the body actually responds better when you follow instruction without words.
Getting to spend 4 days with tracy and the amazing women at the Hamptons Vitality Week Group was an incredible experience. From the moment I walked in, there was automatically a warm and loving environment of women coming together on common ground. This is what is known as the TAmily — an in-person and social media community of women and men who have each others' backs and are positive and empowering.
The Water Mill Vitality Week was nothing short of a dream come true. After working out to her dvd and streaming programs, to actually meet Tracy was beyond my expectations. She is such a warm and candidly honest, open, caring, brilliant woman.
With the rolling corn fields and the beautiful farms with daily fresh produce on their stands, the vineyards, lobster shacks & picture perfect beaches — it is easily one of my favorite places to visit! So when I got the opportunity to take part in the Vitality Week in the Hamptons, I was beyond excited to say the least. Here are a few of my favorite spots:
More soon.
Make today a good one —
XX Tamara
Photo Credit: Cherie Nicole Photography