Posts tagged goop
The Power of Streaming: Tracy Anderson Live Streaming 101

It all started out with me being a bit curious. I kept asking myself: What is this Tracy Anderson Method that I keep hearing about!? I figured I would check it out, so I purchased Metamorphosis on DVD. The method was unlike anything I had ever done — I was immediately hooked.

With the dance cardio and the so-called “crazy arms” movements  (this literally attaches your skin back to the muscle and vaporizes any wiggly-jiggly nonsense under our arms!), I was instantly impressed. Muscles that I didn’t even know I had were sore and the results I was seeing were absolutely incredible. Results I had been trying to attain but couldn’t quiet get from different workouts such as pilates, spin, and running were finally coming to fruition. I was seeing longer, leaner, and tighter muscle and felt stronger than ever. My skin tone was practically glowing — seriously!

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